Carp's Cancer Crushers
This is a RAIN OR SHINE event so come on out and have some fun and help make our 20th Annual CCC Golf Tournament a big success!
There will be multiple prizes for events on the course as well as a RAFFLE following dinner.
This is a SCRAMBLE format with two categories:
Low team score for CASH Prize
Low Modified Peoria Score* for TROPHIES
Modified Peoria System:
Following the completion of golf, five random holes will be selected and those scores will be adjusted:
Eagle (-2) becomes a Double Bogey (+2)
Birdie (-1) becomes a Bogey (+2)
Par remains a Par
Bogey (+1) becomes a Birdie (-1)
Double Bogey or worse (+2) becomes and Eagle (-2)
This is a fun format that brings all skill levels into play!
All Golfers will receive the following:
Green Fees for 18 Holes
Power Cart
Driving Range Access
One Sleeve of Golf Balls
Meal Ticket
Raffle Ticket
Can Cooler
Food and beverages will be available prior to and during the event from Tanner's Brook.
To register for the event, please either print off and mail the entry form below, use the REGISTER field below, or email Jeff directly at JeffCarpenterFL@gmail.com with registration information. If emailing, please list all four team members if known. Payment for the full team is preferred.
Mail registration and payment to:
Carp's Cancer Crushers
10010 North Shore Trail
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Payment via check or Venmo in advance is preferred. We will accept cash the day of the event.